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Cooperation, creativity, diversity, decentralization, social justice, ecological health, children's well-being, respect for indigenous traditions and recognition of our union with nature.

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Weaving networks for community sustainability
Guardians and Guardians of Mother Earth
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Knowledge and cultures for biocultural regeneration
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A world where all worlds fit
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Interculturality and culture of peace


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A prayer to the 7 directions
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The Guardians of the Earth Vision Councils have been held in Mexico since 1991 with the aim of incorporating structural elements for the creation of a bioregion. They have also had the participation of members of the Ecological Green Network and indigenous communities.


In 1993, the participation of bioregionalists from North America in these events began. During the 96th Bioregional meeting of the Americas held in the state of Morelos, the Guardians of the Earth decided by consensus that the next meeting of the Council of Visions and later Bioregional, would be held in the first Mayan eco-cenote, Dos Palmas, in the State of Quintana Roo, Mexico, which was held in November 1997 with great success and the attendance of more than 400 people of 20 different nationalities.